Why We Exist


Every child and teacher will be actively creating and experiencing meaningful connection with themselves, others and the world. They will be creating a future of their choosing, with connection, capability, confidence and compassion.


By 2030, the work of CSEL will have contributed to mainstreaming learning processes that help build cognitive and social-emotional skills in educational and community institutions, in India and internationally.

What We Do:

Curriculum design, assessment design, framework design – ensuring alignment between context and research.

How We Do This:

We collaborate with organizations and stakeholders that are aligned with our vision (parents, teachers, curriculum and assessments designers, edtech companies, textbook publishers, educational game designers, and more).

Together, we:

Inquire about and deeply understand the existing points of disconnection in the system, how they influence and interact with the system, and their impact on the stakeholders.

Identify the missing piece(s), which if put in place, would transform the status quo.

Bridge the disconnect with the missing piece, keeping a keen eye to the science of human development as well as cultural influences, creating instructional designs that minimize implementation risks, and creating alignment between curricula, pedagogy and assessments.